Welcome back with open arms - and fish & chips!
#ProjectWelcome #FinsburyParkSynagogue #HackneyJewishCommunity #FPS #JewishHackney #Seniors #Befriending #KosherLunch
Finsbury Park United Synagogue are excited to launch its 'Lunch & Social' Club on Wednesday 10th August 2022!

Our 'Lunch & Social' Club is supported by #ProjectWelcome an initiative of Office of The Chief Rabbi.
Continue reading to find out what #Finsburyparksynagogue's #LunchandSocial is all about!
Project aim and goals
Our aim is simple. We wish to encourage our members to be confident enough to return back to #FPS and to slowly encourage normalisation of socializing and having in-person interaction with people post the pandemic.
The pandemic has affected people in many different ways. Some of our highly vulnerable members still feel insecure to step out of their homes let alone be around a group of people post Covid. This makes daily activities for them such as shopping for food, meeting friends, interacting socially very difficult and may still feel isolated and lonely.
Our first event after restrictions were lifted was a members only #FishandChips lunch to show our appreciation for the loyalty and support we received from members throughout the pandemic. The Fish and Chips lunch was much more than that! It was the first chance we had that we all could sit and socialize together and it was a massive success! It was heart warming and no one forgot the feeling of how amazing it felt to first sit, talk and eat together after such a long time not being able to. This 'feeling' is what encouraged us to start the lunch and social club.
The Lunch and Social Club will help reconnect members with each other or connect members that may not have the opportunity to connect during Kiddush, to have lunch and have fun in a familiar and safe environment. We want members to be able to be part of 'shul life' once again.
Hand sanitizers are still used in our building and masks will be available for those that wish to wear masks - it is #whatmakesyoucomfortable that is important to us!
Although we aim to welcome back members, we also look forward to welcoming non-members that wish to make new friends, be part of a friendly #JewishCommunity in #Hackney who are also looking to regain confidence in socializing again
If you would like to join us for the Launch of "Lunch & Social", please register your name here
