Everyone should be able to have a hot meal on Shabbat
This project has been made possible through generous donations from our members.
The Shabbat Meal Project is designed for our most neediest members who are unable to cook for themselves.
Why have we started the Shabbat Food Project?
From delivering Chesed's Essential Food Parcels weekly, we have been made aware that some of our most neediest members are not able to cook. They have either stopped receiving assistance from the Council, have no family near to cook for them or can not travel due to Tier restrictions or, their health (mentally and physically) has deteriorated and stopped them from being able to be independent.
The Shabbat Meal Project will consist of ready cooked Friday night meals and Shabbat meals with a meaty or vegetarian option.
Friday night meal - example
- Soup
- Fish starter
- 3 salads (portioned for Shabbat as well)
- Main meal
Shabbat meal - example
- Kugel
- Chulent
- Salads
Members who fit the criteria will receive the Shabbat meal for FREE
Members and non members that would like this service, will be charged £10 in advance to cover cost.
Contact us for more information