Child Protection
It is a tragic fact of life that today child abuse occurs across all parts of society.
None of us, including in faith communities, can afford to be complacent. Indeed, all of us have a part to play in addressing these issues.
Please read this important message from Steven Wilson - Chief Executive of the United Synagogue click here. Please read this article for further information about the steps the US has taken to safeguard our communities.
The US are also in the process of ensuring that all our volunteers who come into contact with children have a basic level of awareness of child abuse and child protection - and they have created this YouTube clip for that purpose and they would urge all our members to take the time to watch it so that we can all be vigilant.
To read full Child protection Policy, please click here
Certificate of Religious Practice (CRP)
Following the judgment in the Supreme Court, some schools will be asking you to complete a Certificate of Religious Practice (CRP), which includes verification of synagogue attendance. You should contact the school's admittance secretary or visit the school's website in which you are interested in and check their specific requirements, but many are looking for attendance and participation at synagogue.
You can find out more information regarding CRP here
We have begun to place procedures to help those wishing to apply to attend Jewish Schools in September 2020 to obtain a Certificate of Religious Practice (CRP). The date that eligibility for attendance at synagogue services commences is 4th May 2019.
If you wish for us to verify attendance for CRP, you are required to join our attendance register (see below). You can register your child's attendance whether you are a member of Finsbury Park Synagogue or not. If you have not registered, we are unable to assist with your CRP application.
To register, please contact us
Complaints Policy
Please click here to read United Synagogue's Complaint Policy
Useful Links
"The first recorded words of man to G-d in the history of the covenant are a plea for there to be future generations"
- Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt"l